Museum Closed March 10

The Museum will close Monday, March 10, for building maintenance. VDM will reopen Tuesday, March 11, from 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Little Free Library

Take a Book. Share a Book.

The Virginia Discovery Museum’s Little Free Library was built and donated by the St. Anne’s-Belfield School 7th and 8th Grade Leveling the Playing Field Quest in May 2019 as a way to spread a love of reading and learning and make books more accessible to all children in the community. The library is located in the front lobby, and Museum visitors may take a book to keep, borrow a book and return it later, or donate a book for someone else to enjoy.

Program Details  |  Questions?  |  Plan Your Visit


Library Hours:
Monday through Friday
9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Who May Use It?
Open to All Museum Visitors
(Children & Adult Books Available)

How It Works

Take a Book:
Keep It or Borrow and Return Later
(Limit One Per Person Per Visit)

Share a Book:
Bring Book(s) to Donate
(Check in Donations at Front Desk)

Questions? Give us a call at (434) 977-1025 x103 or email